World Mental Health Day

Date: 10th October 2023
Author: Abbi King

10th October is World Mental Health Day 2023. This year’s theme ‘Mental Health is a Universal Human Right’ invites us all to play our part in ensuring everyone has access to the support and care they need, whoever and wherever they are.

Good mental health is crucial to our overall health and well-being. When we struggle with our mental health, we often struggle in other areas of our lives too, such as our physical health, the ability to do our jobs and complete everyday tasks.

Often when people struggle, they don’t feel they can ask for help. Today and moving forwards, we encourage everyone to check in on your colleagues and friends, and let them know they have a safe space to talk openly, and free from judgement. If we all improve our knowledge and provide this supportive environment, together we can raise awareness and drive actions that promote and
protect everyone’s mental health.


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