What you should leave OFF your CV

Date: 30th January 2024
Author: Abbi King

Your CV is the most important document required when starting your job search, it highlights your skills, experience and allows you to sell yourself to a new company. Whilst there is a lot you should include, there are also some common mistakes people often make. Check out our top 5 things to avoid to ensure your CV remains professional and focused on relevant information:

Negative aspects / experiences

Instead of talking badly about previous employers or focusing on the negative experiences leading to you leaving a role, focus on skills you have learned from your experiences and how you can use these in future.

Graphics / photos

Don’t clutter up your CV with graphics or photos. Unless you are applying for a role where you need to show content creation or graphic design, it can be unnecessary and off putting. It can also open up cause for discrimination.

Personal info / hobbies

It’s always good to show some personality but avoid anything that may be controversial or perceived as unprofessional.

Listing too many soft skills

If you list too many soft skills they will lose credibility. It can come across as though you have just listed all of the things an employer would want to see as opposed to the ones you genuinely excel in.

Including too much detail that is not relevant or current

If you had a job a number of years ago that is not relevant to the job you are applying for now, then only add very brief detail outlining your responsibilities.

In a world where AI is used as a recruitment tool and the job market is competitive, it is crucial to make sure you stand out for the right reasons. Tailor your CV to specific positions and ensure that the information included aligns with the position you are applying for.

If you need help with finding your next role, then contact us on 02392 324666. We can discuss our current vacancies and talk through your experience with you to find you the perfect role.

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