Flexible working: can you afford not to offer this?

Date: 18th April 2024
Author: Abbi King

In today’s ever changing business landscape, flexibility has emerged as one of the key factors candidates consider when searching for their next role. With a focus on work-life balance, mental wellbeing and overall job satisfaction opposed to salary alone, it is now more important than ever to offer flexibility as a business aiming to thrive in the modern era.

Check out our top reasons why offering flexible working can benefit your business:

Attracting Top Talent

Talented individuals are increasingly seeking flexible work solutions from the very start of their job search. By providing and outlining options such as remote work, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks, employers can stand out in a competitive job market from the very beginning.

Increased Productivity

Giving employees autonomy over their schedule and allowing them to prioritize their workload can often boost productivity. When given the opportunity to choose when and where they work best, employees can capitalize on peak productivity hours and deliver a higher standard of work.

Cost Savings

With fewer employees commuting to the office every day, companies can reduce overhead expenses associated with office space, utilities and infrastructure.

Environmental Impact

By offering hybrid options for the working week and having staff work from home some of the time, organisations are positively impacting the environment and reducing the carbon emissions associated with daily commuting.

Whilst every organisation and their needs are different, it is clear that adaptability is key to success. By prioritising flexibility, businesses can attract top talent, boost productivity and reduce costs. Ultimately setting themselves apart from the rest as a sought-after organisation that understands the needs of the modern workforce.

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